Healthy Dogs are


Offering a complete package of all-natural rejuvenation & vitality supplements

Made in the USA

Proven Oligopeptide Technology

DOGtor X offers an all-natural veterinary grade pet supplement to provide whole-body rejuvenation to pets through the natural power of growth factors. We’re dedicated to giving the gift of youth and we’ve been supplying pet supplements since 2005.

Benefits of DOGtor X

DOGtor X contains only a few all-natural ingredients thus it’s easy on your pup’s digestive system. The active ingredient contains natural growth factors capable of regenerating the damaged tissues and giving your loved one the strength of mobility. As your dog ages and arthritis progresses, the pain will stop your pup from doing the things they love, like running and jumping, going for long walks, or simply cruising around the park. Our supplements will:

Give your friend the life he deserves

Bring back the pup in your life

Give your dog the energy to play again

Give you and your loved one the freedom you both deserve


Growth Factors

We offer one of the only dog supplements that contain natural growth factors:

Nerve growth factors (NGF)

Peptides that protect the viability and integrity of neurons and promotes neural cell survival thus alleviate anxiety and depression, and maintain the health of the nervous.

Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGF)

Peptides that are essential to the development of the skeletal and nervous system.

Epidermal Growth Factors (EGF)

Peptides that promote skin tissue growth and development, and speed the healing of wounds

Insuline-like Growth Factors (IGF-1, IGF-2)

Peptides that play an important role in growth and development and mediates many of the growth-promoting effects essential to liver, kidney and brain function.

Connective Tissue Growth Factors (CTGF)

Peptides that promote collagen production and affects tissues first which improves ligament functions and alleviates joint pains.

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta (TGF-B)

Peptides that promote healing of wounds and are anti-inflammatory.

Slow down the effects of aging


Defend your pet against the aging process by providing daily regeneration of damaged tissues and rejuvenation of aging cells!


Thanks to the award-winning oligopeptide discovery there is a natural solution that can slow down the effects of aging and provide pain-free, healthy golden years!


Fast acting formula to increase energy levels and strength and decrease joint pain!

Life-saving recovery from congenital hip sprain

“Max my Labrador was born with a hip sprain. I kept him on glucosamine and different painkiller medication for months. His condition got worse over the years and he started behaving like an old fragile dog. He limped when he walked and no longer had the energy he used to have. We were already thinking about euthanasia when Dr. Ava V. Ackerman from Belmont Pet Hospital started giving DOGtorRx 2 years ago. The result was simply phenomenal. Max regained his playfulness, he is full of energy and loves to jump and climb everything in the dog park. His fur was never so full and shiny Max no longer needs to take either painkiller medication or glucosamine, he is only taking DOGtorRx.”

George, Belmont CA

The product

DOGtor X

Natural Pet Supplement

DOGtor X is different from every other supplement; therefore we call on pet owners that haven’t tried the DOGtor X supplement to challenge it and bring out the best in your dog!

It has been shown in many dogs that DOGtor X produced better results in the long run than supplements containing green lipped mussel extract, chondroitin-sulfate, and/or glucosamine-sulfate. While in the case of the latter; compounds of water-binding molecules can be delivered orally to the body, on the other hand DOGtor X can stimulate the production of a water-binding molecule such as e.g. glucosamine-sulfate and chondroitin-sulfate. These molecules are responsible for the quality and quantity of joint fluid, thus for the elasticity and durability of the joints. This in turn enables the body to regenerate damaged joints and provide a stable recovery in the long run.

Give DOGtor X a try to get back the dog you once knew!

DOGtor X

Vet Nutrition
Consulting USA LLC
7260 West Azure Drive Las Vegas, NV 89130

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